Loren Bartley
Digital Marketing Strategist, Impactiv8
About this speaker
Loren Bartley is a Digital Marketing Strategist and high energy entrepreneur, with three children and three businesses and she wouldn’t want it any other way. She has an uncanny knack for seeing an opportunity and jumping on it and pretty much everything she works on turns out to be best in class.
Her Digital Marketing Agency, Impactiv8, takes clients from earning $20,000 per month from Facebook Ads when doing it themselves, to over $100,000 per month when working with Impactiv8. They are able to significantly increase return on ad spend because they understand that for Facebook Ads campaigns to be successful in the long run, your whole marketing funnel needs to be optimised.
In 2018, Loren launched Click Engage Convert, Australia’s premier Digital Marketing conference and at the beginning of 2019 she setup Business Addicts Coworking, a Coworking space in Melbourne’s west.
Loren has so much knowledge, expertise, passion and enthusiasm when it comes to helping businesses leverage the power of digital marketing and passes that on via her top-rated podcast, Business Addicts The Podcast, online training programs and as a highly sought after speaker.